Information on visiting and delivery

On these pages you will find all the necessary information for visitors and suppliers who deliver goods for GETEC PARK.SWISS AG as well as for companies located in the area.
Please note that you must register before visiting the GETEC PARK.SWISS visitor reception.


Directions in Switzerland

Motorway A2 towards Basel until the Pratteln exit (Schweizerhalle).

Turn right towards Schweizerhalle. At the traffic light (about 100 m) turn left. Then drive straight ahead until the 1st traffic light, then turn left to GETEC PARK SWISS AG, visitor parking lot of GETEC PARK.SWISS AG, first right turn. Gravel parking lot on the left.

Directions from France

Freeway A35/E60 direction Basel. After St. Louis customs, take the A2 freeway in the direction of Zurich until the Pratteln (Schweizerhalle) exit.
Turn right towards Schweizerhalle. Turn left at the traffic light (approx. 100 m). Then drive straight ahead until the 1st traffic light, then turn left to GETEC PARK SWISS AG, GETEC PARK.SWISS AG visitor parking gravel parking lot on the left.

Directions from Germany

Freeway A5/E35 direction Basel. After the Weil freeway customs, continue on the A2 freeway in the direction of Zurich until the Pratteln (Schweizerhalle) exit.
Turn right towards Schweizerhalle. Turn left at the traffic light (approx. 100 m). Then drive straight ahead until the 1st traffic light, then turn left to GETEC PARK SWISS AG, GETEC PARK.SWISS AG visitor parking gravel parking lot on the left.

Arrival by public transport

From Basel

Bus no. 80 or 81 from Basel Aeschenplatz to the «Schweizerhalle» bus stop.
From there, walk 200 metres in the direction of Pratteln/Augst and turn right at the first set of traffic lights. After approx. 50 m turn right to the visitor centre/registration desk.

From Liestal railway station and Pratteln railway station

Bus no. 81 from Liestal railway station to the «Schweizerhalle» bus stop.
Bus no. 80 from Pratteln railway station to the «Schweizerhalle» bus stop.
Cross the road and turn left 200 metres in the direction of Pratteln/Augst. Turn right at the first traffic lights. After approx. 50 m turn right to the visitor centre/registration.

From Muttenz railway station

Bus no. 60 from Muttenz railway station to the «Industriepark» bus stop.
After approx. 5 m turn right to the visitor centre/registration desk.



Prior visitor registration is required before entering Getec PARK.SWISS.

Please contact your host person for this purpose.


Please register your visitors via ServiceNow in the Visitor Registration section.

If you do not have a Speedikon account, please contact

Visitor reception GETEC PARK.SWISS (sign-in), Rheinfelderstrasse, Building 2062

Tel. +41 61 264 01 52
Monday – Friday, 6 a.m. -6 p.m.

Important information for visitors

In the following flyer you will find important safety information that should help you feel safe on the GETEC PARK.SWISS AG premises. It's important that you read this information before entering the Industrial Park.


Taxi rules in the area

Taxis do not have access to the fenced area. In the event of physical disability, injury or illness, the Porte (Gate) can grant an exemption.

Taxi stands are marked on the visitor parking lot at Gate West or on the gravel area at Gate Ost 2080.

Taxi stand

The taxi stand is located on the visitor parking lot at Gate West or on the gravel area next to Gate Ost 2080.

Parking and Traffic Regulations

  • On the site, the Swiss Road Traffic Act (SVG, SR 741.01) and the associated regulations apply.
  • The maximum permitted speed in the area is 20 km/h.
  • GETEC PARK.SWISS AG assumes no liability for vehicles parked on the premises of GETEC PARK.SWISS AG in the event of damage or theft.
  • Pedestrians use the designated walkways (sidewalk, pedestrian strips, yellow longitudinal strips for pedestrians, etc.) and must in particular observe the pedestrian prohibitions in danger zones.
  • Authorization is required for the parking of motor vehicles on the site of GETEC PARK.SWISS AG, i.e. on the designated parking areas inside and outside the area fence. Visitor parking spaces outside the factory premises, which are reserved only for external visitors, are exempt from the authorization requirement.
  • Driving on the area with motor vehicles is only permitted with an entry or parking permit. Persons without corresponding entry or parking authorization who wish to enter the area must apply for the necessary authorization at the gates.
  • Moving about the area with non-motorized bicycles and e-bikes is permitted, provided that users have a valid ID card (badge) that entitles them to access the area.
  • The security service registers and issues the parking permits according to the specifications of the local companies. The company BASF grants parking authorizations on its own premises. Temporary parking cards are issued by the gates.
  • On the entire premises, anyone using a two-wheeled vehicle is required to wear a helmet.
  • Driving around the fenced area with non-motorized standing scooters, scooters, roller boards, inline skates and roller skates as well as motorized electric vehicles with low power such as electric scooters, standing scooters, segways, etc. is not permitted.
  • Motorcycles and motorcycles (mopeds) are not permitted in the fenced area. Exceptions must be requested from the security service and released by the head of HSEQ.
  • Parking in the area is only permitted on the specially marked parking lots. For safety reasons, further restrictive provisions may be issued.
  • The operation of drones or similar remotely controlled flying objects is subject to approval throughout the entire area. Requests should be addressed to the security service.
  • Parking lot assignments are made for an indefinite period and can be revoked at any time. In the event of a shortage of parking spaces or construction activities, parking facilities in the area may be restricted. In general, there is no claim for compensation.
  • Taxis do not have access to the fenced area. In the event of physical disability, injury or illness, the Porte (Gate) can grant an exemption.
  • Taxi stands are marked on the visitor parking lot at Porte West or on the gravel area at Porte Ost.
  • Traffic accidents on the site must be reported to the security service immediately.
  • Parking on the site is only permitted during working hours (including shift working hours) and only on the areas designated or allocated for this purpose. Parking outside working hours requires a permit from the security service.
  • A parking permit, i.e. the personal parking space, cannot be passed on to another employee or a third party in the absence.

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