Asian delegation to visit innovative technology at GETEC plant in Nuremberg

Nuremberg / Magdeburg, November 01, 2022
Following an invitation by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, the energy service provider GETEC guided a delegation of 16 people from India and Mongolia through the ice storage facility of the "Hansapark" quarter in Nuremberg. GETEC is implementing the sustainable energy concept of the quarter, the centerpiece of which is an underground ice storage facility with a diameter of 9.5 meters and a height of 5 meters, operated in combination with heat pumps and recoolers.  

As part of the specialist seminar "Energy-efficient construction" organized by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, GETEC provided a delegation of 16 entrepreneurs, engineers and senior executives from the Indian construction sector with an insight into the innovative technology of the Nuremberg ice storage facility. The know-how acquired in Nuremberg is to be incorporated in the urban development of the cities of Bangalore, Chennai and Delhi.

"We are very pleased to welcome such a high-ranking business delegation and to be able to bring our innovative and sustainable technology closer to them. In the Hansapark Quarter in Nuremberg, we have succeeded with a highly efficient combination of an ice storage system and heat pumps in making the heat and energy supply not only absolutely efficient, but also virtually climate-neutral. We are happy to share this knowledge in the interests of global CO2 reduction," says Florian Unger, Head of Real Estate Management GETEC Platform Germany.

The ice storage system makes extensive use of environmental energy, which is fed into an underground container - the ice storage tank. For heating, a heat pump extracts heat from the ice storage and compresses it to a higher flow temperature. This heat extraction causes the system to ice up and crystallization energy is released. Thus, 125 liters of freezing water release the heat energy of one liter of heating oil. After the water in the storage tank is normally iced over at the end of the heating period, cold is extracted from the ice storage in summer. In this way, the connected buildings can be cooled using the natural cooling process without any additional energy input.

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